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Military Leadership Program

During 2020-2021,  we have introduced Military Leadership Values Programme.  It's a 90 min X 4 sessions, spread in 2 weeks. (2 sessions in a week ) and the same is conducted by retired armedpersonnel. The officers will .share their life journey in 4 sessions and impart 8 values. We did MLVP in a few colleges and multiple sessions to cover more students. It has been well accepted by the students. It's now a success proven model for imparting values and discipline in young minds. Also it will help those who aspire for Defence force as their career.  Its open for all undergrads and also NCC/ NSS groups. Again it can be an offline or onlin/ virtual session for a batch size of 50 students. For those who attend all the 4 sessions will receive a certificate of participation. MLVP is an offering by IDF to the students which is purely complimentary.
MLVP will be a joint programme of IDF and the college and we will be incorporating College logo and principal's signature in each digiral certificate. We also have a simple feedback system through google form for each session which will be filled by students at the end of the session.

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